Amy Dunn is a brave, courageous young woman who is a former Boise State soccer player, was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Melanoma, and is in the fight of her life now. I was inspired by her story, but also by her attitude to take the bull by its horns. She has already started treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ and seems to be doing well so far. Her and I have corresponded via email and on her Caring Bridge site (see below). My hope for her is to not give up no matter scary it gets and to face this "beast" head-on. I also hope that I can lend her comfort and support because I have been through it and I know what a rollercoaster this journey is. For me, having a few "survivors" behind me, who helped prepare me for treatments, as well as encouraged me, made all the difference. Now, I hope to do the same for someone else.
Amy is a fighter and certainly has all of Boise rallying behind her. BSU put on an exhibition soccer game for her recently which raised over $12,000 to help her pay for her medical bills. Awesome!!! We live in such a great community here where people want to help others. Please consider making a donation to help Amy pay for her medical expenses on this website: http://getitdunn.org/ OR by even just sending her a note of encouragement on her Caring Bridge website: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/amydunn/createorsignin
We tried to comment on her site and she made it private-so i dont think she wants people looking at.
Actually, you just have to sign up on Caring Bridge and you should be able to read her site!
Okay-I will try again
Its great to see how well you are doing and we always read your blog even if we don't comment. You are an inspiration to all of us.
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