Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Prayers and support for Amy Dunn

My friend and fellow Stage 4 Melanoma warrior, Amy Dunn, is beginning a new set of treatments this week and needs your help. The last treatment combination of Yervoy and Zelboraf has failed and so she is moving onto the next plan of action. Amy needs lots of extra prayers and positive thoughts right now to help her get through this, and most importantly, she needs some SUCCESS so that she can continue fighting this battle and eventually WIN!!

Because her insurance has denied 2 of the 3 new drugs she will be on, she needs your support. Her family and friends have asked if we could donate $7 on the 7th of every month to help pay for her growing medical bills. Amy has had previous fundraising efforts, but these new treatments are very expenisve and so the money is running out quickly. To learn more and donate, click on her website: http://getitdunn.org/

Amy is one of our Idaho SOL Survivors and I am so grateful to know her and call her friend. She is an incredible, courageous young woman who rarely complains and always has a smile on her face. To read more of her story, go to Amy's Caring Bridge page. (You must log in to view.)

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