Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One year. Wow.

Exactly one year ago TODAY I was hit with my Stage 4 Melanoma diagnosis.

And today I am finishing my last treatment for at least 3 months.

Ironic, right?!

Let's hope this treatment works and I will only have to return every 3 months...

I have to say that this past year has felt like a CENTURY in so many ways, yet fortunately, it has also gone extremely fast.

I have completed 3 different treatments within the last year, had 9 anxiety-ridden CT, PET, and MRI scans (yeah, that's a lot of radiation!), spent 42 days in the hospital, had 10 PICC lines performed (not fun!), had too many IV's and blood draws to count, and spent over $4200 in just flights from ID to CA...

Has it been worth it??

Well, I am still here, so YES!!! We have witnessed miracle after miracle, prayer after prayer being answered, and have felt the LOVE and support from SO many people and most importantly, from God.

For as tough of a year as it has been physically, emotionally, and in so many other ways, I can actually say that it has been a year of MANY blessings and wonderful events that have happened.

I know that God is looking over me and keeping me wrapped up in His loving arms. I know that I will beat this thing and I can feel that I am THAT much closer to hearing the doctor's words, "You are officially No Evidence of Disease!"

What a year. I feel so ALIVE right now, so grateful for my healthy body which keeps on going, grateful that I can wake up every morning and see the 3 most beautiful faces on the planet-my husband, and my 2 sons. Grateful that I am surrounded by so much LOVE. Grateful that I can keep on being HERE.

This is what life is all about!

1 comment:

Katy said...

What a milestone to celebrate! We will continue to hope and pray for you and your family. Keep up the good fight, Christina!!

Scott and Katy Smith
Salt Lake City